How technology is Revolutionizing the Steel Industry

Steel Industry

Steel industry is a cornerstone of modern infrastructure and manufacturing. The industry has undergone a significant transformation with the use of modern technology.

With the technological advancements, the steel production has been skyrocketed over the years.

Technology is now used from head to toe in from mining and processing raw materials to manufacturing and quality control. He we will explain the multiple ways in which, technology is reshaping the steel industry, sustainability, and innovation.

Below we have explained how technology is Revolutionizing the Steel Industry in every step:

Mining and Exploration:

When industries are mining for the steel, you need to know the availability for the steel in fields. Technology has revolutionized the exploration and extraction of raw materials for steel production. Finding steel is a tough work and for that, advanced geospatial technologies such as satellite imaging and geophysical surveys are used to identification of accurate mineral deposits. This not only streamlines the mining process but, also saves time and effort of people plus, minimizes environmental impact by reducing unnecessary excavation of sites.

Automated Mining Equipment:

After finding out the sites and steel deposits, use of automated and remotely controlled mining equipment comes into play. These automatically controlled equipments has improved efficiency and safety throughout the complete extraction process. Automatic drilling machines and haul trucks equipped with GPS technology and sensors optimises the excavation process, enhance précised location identifying process and reduce the risk of accidents and mis happenings.

Smart and interconnected Manufacturing Processes:

Technology has transformed steel manufacturing process into a smart one. IoT (Internet of Things) devices are pieces of hardware, such as sensors, gadgets, appliances, actuators, or machines that are programmed for transmit data over the internet or other networks. These IoT devices provide real-time data on equipment performance, product quality and total energy consumption in operation. With the help of this data, industries track the predictive maintenance time, overall downtime and also, it helps in optimizing production efficiency.

Electric Arc Furnaces (EAFs):

An Electric Arc Furnace heat the metal to a very high temperature by using an electric arc, improving the smelting efficiency. Steel scrap and pig iron are the raw materials of EAF. It is different from blast furnaces which is the traditional steel furnace. Blast furnaces use intensive energy and release carbon dioxide in heavy quantity. The modern steel industry is now adopting the Electric Arc Furnaces to reduce the time, increase the quality of steel production and minimise the releases of carbon dioxide. Since, Electric Arc Furnaces uses the steel scrap, an steel industrialist gets benefit in recycling their steel wastage.

3D Printing in Steel Production:

3D printing is used in prototyping and creating complex components with intricate geometries. 3D printers offer unlimited customization and flexibility in steel manufacturing that which was very difficult to achieve in previous times. However, 3D printing is not mainstream for large-scale productions, but the sustainability it has provided to modern steel industry, it will be no surprise if we see enormous 3D printers use on a large scale in steel industry in near future.

Robotics and Automation in Steel Mills:

With the implementation of automation machines and robotics in steel mills, the overall production process has been revolutionized drastically. Robots are proven very helpful in tasks that are hazardous to humans or require extreme focus, precision and time. Apart from this, automated systems are proven efficient when it comes to quality control, raw material handling, maintenance contribution which has increased management and worker safety.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability:

Since people are now aware with environmental condition and government is also concerned for healthy environment, steel industry can now have a sigh of relief with the machines which are energy efficient. Advanced technologies like energy recovery systems, waste heat utilization and cogeneration are helping steel plants in optimizing their energy usage and reduce emissions.

Advanced Coating Technologies:

The progress made in developing methods, for coating, such as hot dip galvanizing and the use of coatings plays a significant role in improving the ability of steel products to resist corrosion.

These coatings effectively prolong the lifespan of steel structures thus reducing the frequency of maintenance requirements and the need, for replacements.

The use of data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), in quality control processes has revolutionized the steel industry. By analyzing amounts of production data these technologies enable real time monitoring of product quality, identification of defects and continuous improvement of manufacturing processes.

This proactive approach ensures that steel products consistently meet standards. Another exciting development is the increasing utilization of augmented reality (AR) for training and maintenance purposes.

Maintenance technicians now have access to AR headsets that provide real time information about equipment, visual schematics and step by step guidance for repairs. This technology enhances efficiency and minimizes downtime.

Digital twins have also emerged as a tool for plant optimization. These virtual replicas of assets, such as steel plants integrate data from sensors and IoT devices to simulate and optimize production processes.

They enable maintenance, process optimization and scenario testing for improvement. In addition to that laser technology has revolutionized cutting and welding in the steel industry. Powered lasers offer cutting capabilities for intricate shapes while reducing material waste.

Laser welding ensures accurate joints in steel components. Overall, these advancements, in technology have significantly transformed the steel industry by improving quality control practices enhancing training and maintenance procedures while optimizing production processes through replicas and leveraging laser technology for cutting and welding.

In conclusion, technology is at the forefront of revolutionizing the steel industry, driving improvements in efficiency, sustainability, and innovation.

From the exploration of raw materials to the manufacturing of steel products, the integration of advanced technologies has transformed traditional practices and positioned the industry for a more sustainable and technologically advanced future.

As the steel industry continues to evolve, the synergy between technology and metallurgy will play a pivotal role in shaping its trajectory.

The Future of Steel Warehousing: Trends and Innovations- Kassem Mohamad Ajami

Steel warehousing

The building of the steel has become famous in the twentieth century and the topmost reason for that was like it uses for the military houses or for oil stockpiling.

Also, just after the War the popularity of the steel was become more promptly and the whole situation turned the steel industry into the general standard.

Well, if you will ask that why steel has a bright future the simplest answer would be is that the steel is generally a strong flexible and at a same time recyclable metal which can be used in almost all the types of construction.

So let us explain basically future of steel Warehousing: Trends and Innovations.

Steel has always been the top most priority when it comes for developing the business structure and modern houses. But now we can see that steel is widely spreading into the private markets as well.

With that we can also see that the Trends and Innovations of steel, has also walked in into the residential construction specially in India. Using the steel as a development material would not be enough for the temporary shelters and modern structures. As steel has already classified itself to one of the most reliable, adaptable or cheap material for all the construction uses.

If the growth of steel would be like this then somewhere around 2030 to 2035 there would be no doubt in considering the steel one of the most popular, solidness and recyclable metal across the globe.

Whether we will discuss about the late twentieth century or we will take a look near 2023 we can proudly say that the Steel has always been the broadly utilized type of metal when it comes to construction industry. In, fact in current world you will see that it has become the trend to use the steel manufacturer products in household as well as people believe that it looks more elegant or traditional to see the steel manufactured stuffs around and on the basis of that there are multiple companies has been developed who all are continuously innovating the trendiest steel products.

In this time, we all are saying that steel has captured all the markets and the sale of steel is continuously increasing day by day. Even most of the builders or should I say constructors says that steel has become the most popular construction metal across the India. But to be honest the type of sales and popularity steel has gained across the world. The Trends and Innovations of steel in India is completely new, so just imagine when in reality it will become as popular as it is in other countries of world it genuinely would be a sight to behold.

Whether it about the constructing the residential apartment or the government certified stations metals have always been the core drivers of these types of industrialization, and in this steel has a specific position from late twenties.

Post Independence, all the slumps in the steel decrease in investment across the multiple sectors has brutally impacted the overall growth of the steel industry. However, we are happy to inform you that was the temporarily phase of the steel industry. Eventually right now most of the modern’s infrastructure of not only the India about the whole world is being constructed using the large amount of steel.

Especially steel industry is growing rapidly in Indian and that is because all the import and export is much cheaper than other countries.

In such a way the steel industry is growing day by day, this is so true that the inventory or should I say Steel Warehousing would be the great challenge in Future. Because genuinely it takes time to design the steel with trend as innovation always takes time. Especially when it comes to the steel with some Trends and Innovations, we can not take a risk of Warehousing there should be a enough stock in Warehouse to focus on all the Trends and Innovations according to the needs of people.

Well, in present world in steel industry there are multiple Trends and Innovations are going on the basis of needs and we are happy to say its working.

Steel industry is growing globally but yet we are not fixed with the Steel Warehousing which is much important when it comes to keep growing. Generally, if we will make it clear in simple words then Warehousing is a gap between the company where order gets completed and the place where is arrives on site. In this one the of the most important reason why Steel Warehousing is important is that the steel industries have a short lead time for the quick construction of demanded products.

The whole process of manufacturing the steel begins in the factory specialization with Cold formed and hot rolled sheet’s products. Once after levelling the ground and pouring the foundation, Here comes the use of Warehouse in order to build as much and as soon as the stock arrives on the Site of the construction.

A traditional Warehouse where we can keep the good amount of inventory would eventually take 80 ton 86 days that would be capable to cut the construction time by third and this will genuinely be helpful for the overall growth of the steel industry.

Steel Warehousing plays an major role and since the steel industry is growing there is bright future of Warehousing as well.

Also in future we can expect that the green production of steel as political forces are continuously working on this. As Government are generally focused as no one honestly wants to affect the country with the production of steel. Basically, producing the green steel would be the only option. Green steel generally defined as manufacturing the steel with the method with that can help in reducing the emission in standard way and also produce the less carbon during the overall production of steel.

They are committing this and working on it. Because we can not ignore the fact that the steel industry is considered as one of the largest energy intensive industries across the globe. If we will talk on numbers then according to the research in 2018 it takes up to 8%-9% of the global energy consumption which is a large number an this needs to be fixed as soon as possible.

So in order to fix this not only the government but each individual manufacturer of steel should take a step ahead and take the responsibility to find a way for the production so Green steel.

Although across the world there are numerous companies that have already started working on it and they have already found a safe way to produce green steel and it’s a good luck that the Idea is working and steel industry is growing with Trends and Innovations along with great capacity of Steel Warehousing.

Kassem Mohamad Ajami Explains How To Reduce Time And Cost-Effective Steel Structure?

Kassem Mohamad Ajami Explains How To Reduce Time And Cost-Effective Steel Structure

Always use genuine steel lengths

You should always Specify the genuine steel lengths rather than specifying sizes, as it seems like a no-brainer, but it’s too often ignored.

For instance, ordering 22-22 foot sections will be less expensive than ordering 10 20 1/2-foot units. It generally cuts to size, scrapping extra sharp Steel and paying for unusable remnants.

I hope you got our wording.

So always get the right size of steel length which needed.

However, less weight doesn’t always mean less cost. That’s why knowing about Current market conditions, and whether it’s cheaper to order one size over another.

Kind of Remnant material from another job that the fabricator may be happy to unload at a reasonable price.

You should not pay for the wrong material

If we are saying inappropriate material, we meant to say that Steel doesn’t need to be primed or painted unless it will be used as an exposed architectural element exposed to the ingredients in a corrosive environment.

You don’t have to pay for one; that will not come in your usage for long.  Besides, priming and painting add unnecessary costs; apart from this, it can hinder fire protection by making it difficult for fireproofing materials to adhere to the Steel.

Priming and painting will surely increase the steel costs enough to flip the project to another material that appears to be cheaper, right? If you have ever handled these kinds of projects, then you will understand. It isn’t simply painting costs, inconvenience costs, and environmental costs as well.

Fabricators should always be certified

We want to let you know that the cost of each project can be reduced by just specifying Steel from fabricators who are certified rather than simply relying on Steel to be inspected.

The certification focuses on the entire process of fabrication and erection. Certified companies are providing Steel to adhere to a set of AISC standards.

It would be great for you to get well-certified products for your project, as there will be no chances of a negative response ever.

Purchase everything with proper inspection

On average, the total cost of structural Steel represents about 15% of overall project costs; of that, the material itself accounts for 30 to 40%, while the other 70-80% goes to fabrication and erection.

Thus, if structural steel prices were to go up 7%, the cost of the entire steel package would increase only about 2 to 4%. Isn’t it amazing?

Focus on the quality of Steel

You should always pay some different kind of focus on the quality of Steel because this should not be compromised. Whether it will take some more money from your pocket, you have to purchase the Steel in high quality, only if you don’t want to face any issues shortly.

This is the fundamental mistake that almost all architectures and builders make, and literally, this small mistake becomes the reason for significant incidents.

Just do some genuine research, spend your quality time in front of your computer over the internet and get the right product you need for your project. Don’t worry; if we recommend you purchase high-quality Steel, it doesn’t mean that it will charge much more. Many dealers are available in the market who are offering genuine products in a budget-friendly way. But it would be best if you did not compromise, as compromising can lead to high maintenance costs in the future, which will not be suitable for you.


Steel structures should be fireproof

This will result in two things. The first one will be like fireproofing structures that will increase your property’s value and give your property another look. Secondly, it will protect your property from a fire-related accident shortly.

May you be thinking that making the steel structures fireproofing will burn all the money from your pocket, but no, you might be unaware of the advanced technologies of today’s time.

Nowadays, three different types of material are used to make steel structures fireproofing, especially when it needs to be done in a budget-friendly way.

  • Spray applied to fireproof
  • Gypsum board
  • Intumescent paints.

Kassem Mohamad Ajami difference between Laser and Bending cutting?

Kassem Mohamad Ajami difference between Laser and Bending cutting?

Whether it is the steel industry or iron in industry or any other industrial sector. It all has been in this blog for many past years there are no doubts about this.

Just in decades, the procedure of manufacturing was tough because in that particular time that was not that much modern and somewhere that was the reason for which steel, iron, and other metal products was costly in decades.

Hope you are getting our words.

As same in this post, we will discuss some new methods that have been introduced in these types of industrial sectors to manufacturing procedures easier and timeless which is much important and that is the reason why it has gained much popularity among st industrial sectors of these modern times.

In the current scenario, there are many different types of modern technologies have been introduced and industries are using all of them with full impact able results.

We can’t consider any of them as a waste technology it’s all worth it.

Here we will discuss the difference between laser and bending cutting. both are different from each other and have different advantages or disadvantages and also comes in different users. so it would be more interesting to differentiate these two methods that come in the uses of industrial sectors.

You would love to read out this post this is our promise to you because we have greater peace of knowledge about how to provide the right answer to the right question which is asked by the audience. Whether it is any type of query or need in the steel or oil industry, Kassem Mohamad Ajami site will be a clever option for you there are no doubts about this as well.

Whether it is any type of steel product you can purchase there or whether it is any type of queries related to the steel industry you can make yourself clear within a moment without any inconveniences. So why search for anyone else, when you have such an amazing expert with you on the internet.

For getting the answer don’t keep your eyes aside from the post and with a focused mind keep on reading, we will let you know.

Laser cutting, you can consider this is a thermal process in which file for laser beam used to melt a kind of material in a localized area. just imagine how powerful that particular series would be if it can cut the metal with its been. That’s why it’s eating that laser cutting sounds very cool but somewhere it can take someone’s life if this process is not done with professionalism.

Mainly if you’ll see in these present times then there are three types of laser cutting process exist, first one is fusion cutting second was stream cutting and last but not the least remote cutting.

Infusion cutting and inert gas which is nitrogen are used to expel molten material out from the kerf.

As nitrogen gas not suddenly reacts with the molten and therefore as it not reacts exothermically so therefore doesn’t contribute itself to the energy inputs.

But in flame cutting, there is much difference. Here oxygen is mainly used in a form of assist gas and with that, it generally creates an exothermic reaction as in a form of exerting mechanical force on such molten products, and that particular reaction increases the energy input to the whole process.

Now comes remote laser cutting, in this process material that we want to cut, is partially evaporated through the high-intensity laser beam and this allows the thin sheets to cut any material without any assistance gases.

Laser cutting and bending both are much different from each other in laser cutting we used to cut an object apart but in bending we just used to change the particular shape of the material by using such modern methods.

Metal bending is a process through which any kind of metal can easily be deformed by applying certain force that much is needed to bend the material and with that, we can convert such metal into few shapes such as anticipated shape, whcibis like V shape, U shape or other channel shapes.

Hope it’s cleared to you.